How To Stay Awake:

Are you seeing the back of your eyelids more than the rest of the world? Is the sandman calling your name too loudly? Is your bed throwing out the welcome mat for you? Do you need to know how to stay awake when all you want to do is sleep I did too so this is what I started to do to help keep me awake?

Why Am I Sleepy:

Hypersomnia is when a person falls asleep at any time or place. No matter the activity they are doing sleep will take them over and they can’t stop themselves from closing their eyes.

Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder that makes it hard for a person to stay awake.

The reason why you can’t stay awake may have nothing to do with a medical condition, but a simple case of not enough sleep, depression, pulling an all-nighter, and even the foods you eat. These can all cause a disruption in your body making it think it needs to sleep.

So how do you shake yourself out of wanting to catch some z’s when you need to stay awake?

Kept Awake:

The best thing to open your peepers (eyes) is as simple as to move around. Moving around gets the blood flowing and wakes up your sleepy body.

Taking a 20-minute power nap can help reset your internal clock and do wonders in improving your mood however if you are in a place that doesn’t allow for naps then try letting the light shine.

Turning on more lights or opening up curtains and allowing more light in to brighten up a room makes it hard to sleep. If there are no windows to open then go outside and turn your face to the sun for a few moments.

Stretch those muscles, some light exercises and stretches even sitting up straighter in your chair will help you from becoming sluggish.

Have a conversation with someone or sing aloud to stimulate your brain. If there are people around, then put an earbud in your ear and have a conversation with yourself. People will think that you are on the phone. (You can have some real fun with this one since they will only hear your side of the conversation.)

Setting daily routines and goals to accomplish before the day is done will help keep you motivated. Make sure not to overload your schedule with too much, which can and will stress you out making you tired.

Eating a healthy snack can energize your body and foods high in proteins but light in weight is helpful.

Some foods to keep in mind to try would be things like Bananas, apples, strawberries, oranges, eggs, fish, yogurt, and even dark chocolate can give you the boost you need.

Another thing to try would be to drink green tea which will stimulate your brain into an awakening state and help you focus on the job at hand.

Make sure to avoid foods like turkey, teas like chamomile, passion fruit, nuts like almonds, and walnuts. These foods will put you to sleep and that’s what we are trying to avoid.

You also don’t want to eat or drink too much causing you to have a full stomach it will slow you down making you want to relax instead of staying moving.

If you’re in the car driving or at home turn up the music and listen to your favorite songs.

The last thing we will touch bases on is that it may be a vitamin deficiency that is causing you to be so sleepy ones like vitamin B12, magnesium, iron, potassium, and vitamin D

Can all play a big role in being tired? But before you go popping any vitamins always check with your doctor you may not need them and could do more harm than good taking them.

Seems to be more information on what makes you tired than ways to help keep you awake so on that note let’s look at a recap.


=Move around
a conversation
=Bring light into your world
=Take a 20-minute power nap
=Sit up straight
=Turn up the music
=Drink water
=Eat healthily
=Get plenty of sleep

=Stretching exercise

Don’t forget to check out my next blog on How To Get Energized In The Morning coming soon.


All information on this website is found from Google, word of mouth, other sources, or my own experiences. All photos, videos, and or recordings posted are copyright. I participate in affiliate programs. I may earn a commission from items purchased through my blogs.

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